Saturday, March 13, 2010

Exporting and Importing DSX Files

Using dscmdexport command line utility:

1. Open a dos command line window.
2. Go to the DataStage Client directory or specify this in your PATH environment variable.
3. The syntax for dscmdexport is

dscmdexport /H=hostname /U=username /P=password /O=omitflag project pathname /V

The arguments are as follows:

Hostname - specifies the DataStage Server from which the file will be exported.
Username - is the user name to use for connecting to the DataStage Server.
Password - is the user’s password
omitflag - set this to 1 to omit the username and password
project - Specify the project to export the components from.
Pathname - The file to which to export.
V - Use this flag to switch the verbose option on.

4. Sample output of dscmdexport command:

Using dscmdimport command line utility:

1. Open a dos command line window.
2. Go to the DataStage Client directory or specify this in your PATH environment variable.
The syntax for dscmdimport is

dsimport.exe /H=hostname /U=username /P=password /O=omitflag /NUA project|/ALL|/ASK dsx_pathname1 dsx_pathname2 ...

The arguments are as follows:

Hostname - The DataStage Server to which the file will be imported.
Username - The user name to use for connecting to the DataStage Server (not needed if omitflag = 1)
Password - The user’s password (not needed if omitflag = 1).
Omitflag - Set this to 1 to omit the username and password (only possible if you are connected to the DataStage Server via LAN Manager).
NUA - Include this flag to disable usage analysis. This is recommended if you are importing a large project.
Project, /ALL, or /ASK - Specify a project to import the components to, or specify /ALL to import to all projects or /ASK to be prompted for the project to which to import.
dsx_pathname - The file to import from. You can specify multiple files if required.

3. Sample output of dscmdimport command:

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